Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Dear Caregivers,

Please be advised that ADFM National Caregivers Support Network has organized the following two talks for the monthly sharing session in March 2014. 

Date:  Saturday, 22 March 2014
Time:  2.00pm – 4.30pm
Venue:  ADFM PJ Daycare Centre, No. 6 Lorong 11/8E, 46200 Petaling Jaya.

1.30pm   Taking Attendance

2.00pm   Talk “Incontinence in Persons Living with Dementia” by Dato  Dr Selvalingam Sothilingam, Consultant Urologist, Hospital KL  and Tunku Mizan Military Hospital, Sessional Consultant of Pantai  KL Medical Centre  

2.45pm   Q & A Session

3.15pm  Talk “Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) Rehabilitation for Persons with Incontinence” & work out session by Puan Suhaila Shohaimi, Physiotherapist, PPUKM

4.30pm  Refreshment/End

(1)  Incontinence in Persons Living with Dementia 
As dementia progresses into the middle stage, some people may begin to experience loss of bladder or bowel control (incontinence).  While the nature and severity of incontinence can vary among individuals, all persons with dementia will experience incontinence in the late stage of the disease.  There are many causes, as well as ways to help manage incontinence. How you respond can help the person with dementia retain a sense of dignity.

(2)  Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) Rehabilitation for Persons with Incontinence
To increase awareness of PFM and its function.  To educate proper technique of PFM exercise.  Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will help you actively support your bladder and bowel, improves bladder and bowel control and can reduce or stop leakage of urine and bowel motions.

Caregivers and their families, Nurses/Carers from Allied Health Sector & all those who directly or indirectly are involved in the care of persons with dementia.  

Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants from Allied Health sector. 

COMPULSORY PRE-REGISTRATION :  First-Come-First-Served Basis:
1.   Email Registration Form to jenny@adfm.org.my or Fax to 03 7960 8482.
2.  SMS 016 608 2513 indicating full name, Caregiver  (Yes / No), and Tel/mobile contacts, if you do not have access to email.

Further information, contact  jenny@adfm.org.my or call 016 608 2513 / 03 7931 5850.

From: National Caregivers Support  Network 

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