Thursday, 6 March 2014


In A News Release on 28 February 2014, Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) welcomes the appointment of Dr Dennis Gillings as the World Dementia Envoy, who plans to create a World Dementia Council to raise funds for Alzheimer’s research. The announcement was made by the UK government as part of a new dementia package which aims to speed up diagnosis, fund research and encourage businesses and services in the country to become dementia-friendly.

Dr Dennis Gillings is Founder of Quintiles, the world’s largest provider of biopharmaceutical development services, and has provided consultancy to numerous companies and health organisations, including the National Cancer Institute and the Institute of Medicine.

As the global voice on dementia, ADI hopes the World Dementia Envoy will generate new funding streams around the world, helping to sustain the crucial collaborative action that is now required from all nations. 

Marc Wortmann, Executive Director of Alzheimer’s Disease International comments:

“ADI is very pleased that the British government is taking steps towards improving diagnosis and stigma tackling for people with dementia. We believe that timely diagnosis and involving businesses in developing more dementia friendly environments will make a difference to the everyday lives of people with dementia and their carers. To stop the growing dementia epidemic, we need significantly higher research budgets like the world has provided for cancer and HIV/AIDS.  The appointment of the Envoy and the creation of a World Dementia Council will boost research and innovation and should help to take advantage of increasing funding opportunities provided by governments, encourage the public to donate more to Alzheimer associations, many of which already fund research, and reach out to sources that have not been involved before.”

Alongside the Envoy, ADI will continue to lead, with its member associations, a global task force that focuses on facilitating research, developing dementia friendly communities and awareness initiatives, and improving health and social care systems.

(Source:  ADI, News Release, 28 February 2014)


A new report, released on 11 February 2014, highlights that under nutrition is a major problem among people with dementia, and stresses the importance of recognizing nutrition as a potential key factor in the well being of people with dementia.

Research reviewed in the report finds that 20-45% of those with dementia in the community experience clinically significant weight loss over one year.

Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) and Compass Group commissioned a team of researchers, led by Professor Martin Prince from the King’s College London Global Observatory for Ageing and Dementia Care, to produce the report ‘Nutrition and dementia: a review of available research.

The report reviews existing research on dietary factors across the life course that might increase or decrease the risk of developing dementia in later life. While obesity in mid-life may be a risk factor for developing dementia in late life, weight loss tends to become a more significant issue in the decade leading up to the clinical onset of the disease and accelerates thereafter.

The report also details actions that could improve the nutrition of people with dementia through diet and external factors such as modifying the meal time environment, and supporting and training carers. Given the evidence for effective interventions, there is much untapped potential to improve the food intake and nutritional status of people with dementia.

Professor Prince, from King’s College London, says: “For older people, under nutrition is arguably a greater health concern than obesity, and it is particularly common among people with dementia. This is a neglected area of research with important implications for quality of life, health and functioning. While weight loss in dementia is very common and can be an intrinsic part of the disease, it could be avoided and we should be doing more to tackle the problem.”

Marc Wortmann, Executive Director, ADI, says: “I am very pleased that ADI and Compass Group commissioned this report. We believe that a focus on diet, nutrition and well being is a positive approach to supporting people with dementia and carers of this devastating disease. The report also shows we need more research into the potential role of nutrition in reducing the risk of developing dementia.”

The Report recommends that:

·      The adoption of nutritional standards of care for people with dementia should be considered throughout the health and social care sectors. These could include regular monitoring of weight, as well as assessments of diet and feeding behaviors, and the need for feeding assistance.
·      Family and professional carers should be trained and supported to understand and meet the challenges involved in maintaining adequate nutrition for people with dementia.
·      Evidence-based advice should be provided to inform consumer choices regarding the balance of risks and benefits associated with the use of nutritional supplements claimed to protect cognition in late life, before or after the onset of dementia.
·      More research should be conducted into the effective components of a diet that might prevent dementia and the progression of mild cognitive impairment.

(Source:  ADI, News Release, 11 February 2014)

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Dear Caregivers,

Please be advised that ADFM National Caregivers Support Network has organized the following two talks for the monthly sharing session in March 2014. 

Date:  Saturday, 22 March 2014
Time:  2.00pm – 4.30pm
Venue:  ADFM PJ Daycare Centre, No. 6 Lorong 11/8E, 46200 Petaling Jaya.

1.30pm   Taking Attendance

2.00pm   Talk “Incontinence in Persons Living with Dementia” by Dato  Dr Selvalingam Sothilingam, Consultant Urologist, Hospital KL  and Tunku Mizan Military Hospital, Sessional Consultant of Pantai  KL Medical Centre  

2.45pm   Q & A Session

3.15pm  Talk “Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) Rehabilitation for Persons with Incontinence” & work out session by Puan Suhaila Shohaimi, Physiotherapist, PPUKM

4.30pm  Refreshment/End

(1)  Incontinence in Persons Living with Dementia 
As dementia progresses into the middle stage, some people may begin to experience loss of bladder or bowel control (incontinence).  While the nature and severity of incontinence can vary among individuals, all persons with dementia will experience incontinence in the late stage of the disease.  There are many causes, as well as ways to help manage incontinence. How you respond can help the person with dementia retain a sense of dignity.

(2)  Pelvic Floor Muscle (PFM) Rehabilitation for Persons with Incontinence
To increase awareness of PFM and its function.  To educate proper technique of PFM exercise.  Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will help you actively support your bladder and bowel, improves bladder and bowel control and can reduce or stop leakage of urine and bowel motions.

Caregivers and their families, Nurses/Carers from Allied Health Sector & all those who directly or indirectly are involved in the care of persons with dementia.  

Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants from Allied Health sector. 

COMPULSORY PRE-REGISTRATION :  First-Come-First-Served Basis:
1.   Email Registration Form to or Fax to 03 7960 8482.
2.  SMS 016 608 2513 indicating full name, Caregiver  (Yes / No), and Tel/mobile contacts, if you do not have access to email.

Further information, contact or call 016 608 2513 / 03 7931 5850.

From: National Caregivers Support  Network 

Sunday, 2 March 2014


Take a few minutes to watch this inspiring Video produced by the Taiwan Alzheimer's Disease Association (TADA) and the Taiwan Rotary International 3520.   

The Future of Retail for the Persons Living with Dementia?

English Version:
Ms Wong, a retiree, takes care of her 88 years old Mom diagnosed with dementia. Her mother is very active, and often runs out and loses her way home.

Ms Wong approached her neighbourhood business community for help. She asked that they allow her dementia afflicted Mom to eat in their food stalls if she came there, and at the same time to contact her. She would then come and take her Mother home, and make the payment to them for any food her mother had ordered.

Her 88 year old Mom also frequently likes to visit the same grocery shop. She liked to buy and take home things like coat-hangars and other provisions by the dozens. The whole family was very disturbed. Ms Wong arranged with the grocery shop owner to allow her Mom to take home the goods. The family would then return the goods intact in exchange for other provisions which the family required. Understanding the challenges and hardship of the caregiver and family, the owner of the grocery shop readily agreed to help the family.

The Wong family was very grateful and hoped that more and more businesses would come forward to offer their help to the caregiver families of persons living with dementia and older adults in their neighbourhood.

This joint family and community effort will not only greatly alleviate the mental stress and hardship of home-caregivers but also help towards creating a friendly society and environment for dementia afflicted persons and older adults.

[Note] : " Rui Chi " stands for valuing the life and past contributions of elderly persons living with dementia; reducing the stigma; helping society to accept and include them; empathizing and offering help and support to caregivers and families caring for persons with dementia and older adults.

Mandarin Version:
退休的黃女士照顧85歲失智的媽媽,媽媽行動能力強,經常往外跑­,已多次走失。黃女士請社區商家老闆們協助,如果看到媽媽自行出­門,請老闆協助留下媽媽並請她吃東西,事後黃女士買單。同時請老­闆與她聯絡,讓她順利帶媽媽回家。 88歲的陳奶奶經常至同一家雜貨店買衣架,她家裡衣架有數十打,­令家人十分困擾。於是家人與雜貨店老闆商量,如果媽媽買重複的東­西,由家人原封不動拿回來與老闆換等值之其他物品。老闆體諒家人­照顧之辛苦,欣然答應幫忙。 我們感謝這麼多好心的商家,更期盼連結更多商家,藉著社區鄰里守­望相助,發揮老吾老以及人之老之精神,共同照顧快速增加的失智長­者,減輕家庭照顧壓力。同時未來照顧人力減少,無法單靠家庭來照­顧,勢必要靠整個社區共同互相照顧。此計畫期盼將日常生活中食、­衣、住、行、育樂各商家串連起來,一起加入共同照護網絡,不但能­減輕失智家庭照護的辛苦,也能為商家提升業績及公益形象。

【註】:「瑞智」意涵 - 看重失智長者之生命價值,肯定長者過去對社會之貢獻,減少污名化­,幫助民眾接納與包容失智長者,同理家屬們之辛苦,並給予支持力­量。

(Source:  Taiwan ADA)