Friday, 4 November 2011

Teens Looking at Alzheimer's

When a friend or family member has Alzheimer’s disease, you may feel upset, confused or scared. Alzheimer’s can be puzzling because a person who has it often doesn’t look sick.

Some people with early stage Alzheimer’s may forget words or not remember your name sometimes. Otherwise you may not notice too many changes. But, when you spend time with people with later stage Alzheimer’s, it is easy to see that something serious is going on. Some people with Alzheimer’s may cry, become angry very easily or behave in ways that embarrass you. Sometimes the person may not remember who you are, even if it is someone like a grandparent who knows you very well.

People with Alzheimer’s disease are not acting like this because they don’t care about you anymore. Changes deep inside their brains are destroying the centers that control remembering, thinking and feeling. They are losing their ability to make sense out of the world.

This platform provides resources to help you learn about Alzheimer’s disease and understand how it affects you. It’s important to know that you are not alone. Alzheimer’s changes the lives of everyone it touches.

As caregivers, share with your children the New Videos below to learn about the disease and hear about how other teens are coping with it.

Part 1: Click, What Is Alzheimer's Disease?
Confused about the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and how it differs from dementia? Want to know more about the progression of the disease? Watch this video to get the facts.

Part 2: Click, What Can I Expect and How Can I Deal With It?
You may have a family member with Alzheimer’s disease and wonder what the changes that come with the disease will mean for you and your family. Watch this video to learn how to make communication and connection with someone with Alzheimer’s disease easier for everyone.

Part 3: Click, If the Person with Alzheimer’s Lives with Us, What Can I Expect?
It may seem like the person with Alzheimer’s is changing in ways that make your relationship different, but why? The answer is almost always that the disease is responsible for the changes, and keeping that in mind will allow you to cope with the situation more easily. Watch this video to learn more, and to explore making some changes of your own.

Part 4: Click, How Can I Help and What’s Out There to Help Me?
There are lots of ways for people your age to make a difference in the lives of those with Alzheimer’s disease and their families. Start by talking openly about it and informing your peers. Watch this video to find out how you can help move us toward a world without Alzheimer’s.

(Source: Alzheimer's Association)

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