Thursday 28 August 2008

Talking with the Doctor



See the doctor every six months, or immediately if a sudden change occurs. Close communication with the doctor will mean the best medical care for you and your family.



At each visit, the doctor will note the patient's progress. Between visits, keep a list of questions, concerns, and changes in behaviour and routine.



The doctor may prescribe medication or other treatments. Keep track of how well things are working by noting what has improved, what has gotten worse, any medication side effects and any new problems that may need treatment.


Call the doctor right away if the person:


·       becomes suddenly more confused.

·       has a major change in memory or mood.

·       has a blackout, faints or falls.

·       is suddenly unable to speak or move any part of the body.

·       develops a fever.

·       starts having accidents, including wetting the bed.




*****     *****


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