Thursday 28 August 2008

Tips for Family Communication



Everyone needs to communicate. But Alzheimer's disease and other dementias disturb communication. As time passes, people with dementia develop problems saying what they think and feel.They also have more trouble understanding others.


You may notice many changes, including:


    * trouble finding the right words

    * using familiar words over and over

    * inventing new words to describe things

    * losing a train of thought

    * having trouble putting words together

    * speaking in a childhood language

    * using curse words

    * speaking less often

    * using hand motions instead of speaking


If you're talking to a person with dementia, you can improve communication by:


    * staying calm and supportive

    * focusing on feelings, not facts

    * paying attention to tone

    * addressing the person by name

    * talking to, not about, the person

    * speaking slowly

    * using short, simple words

    * asking one question at a time

    * being specific

    * using gestures such as pointing

    * avoiding arguments


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